
No-Bake Molding

The no-bake molding facilities in our foundry consist of two different molding bays providing flexible and high capacity production.  Our Center Bay molding floor is used to produce medium weight castings from 100 to 3,000 pounds. This molding bay handles typical mold sizes: 36-square, 42-square, 48-square, 54-square, and 64-square.  Our North Bay molding floor is used to produce large heavy-weight castings from 3,000 to 25,000 pounds. This molding bay handles typical mold sizes: 72-square, 76-round, 84-square, 96-square, and 120-square.  In addition to standard flask sizes, Willman Industries utilizes a variety of other rectangular flasks and mold boxes and can build custom flasks if needed.

Production quantities from no-bake molding lines vary from 1 casting per year to as many as 4-6 molds per day.

No Bake Casting
No-Bake Casting
No Bake Casting