Green Initiatives
Willman Industries, Inc. is committed to environmental stewardship and eco-friendly manufacturing.
Willman Industries uses advanced systems that control and monitor air emissions. Todd Willman, current president of Willman Industries, remembers his father often saying “we want our neighbors to not be able to tell that there is a foundry here.” The Willmans have strived to keep the environment, and the neighborhood, clean for a very long time. The advanced air control systems, along with our commitment to minimizing the generation of solid waste through process improvements, demonstrate our focus on protecting the environment through sustainable production and technological advancement.

This spent sand is being processed for beneficial reuse.

Sample reuse of spent sand, a cattle barn.

Cattle barn where spent sand was safely reused
Reuse & Recycling
We continuously pursue innovative and beneficial recycling opportunities for foundry residuals and product re-use. With our new Beneficial Reuse System, spent sand that was previously hauled away to the landfill is now recycled and used in projects such as road building and commercial building projects.
In 2015, our first year of beneficial reuse of spent sand, our sand has provided sub-base material for new barns, machine pads, and cattle feed lots. Spent sand is mixed with other fill material and is perfectly safe, meeting the regulatory requirements for beneficial reuse sand in Wisconsin. Among other uses, the combination of the spent send and other fill material provides for a firm and stable base for concrete or asphalt surfacing.
In 2015, Willman Industries recycled 529 tons of sand. Most of the recycled sand was used in agricultural construction. The spent sand can be used in many other markets. Every pound of recycled sand is a pound saved from filling up landfills and it provides low cost aggregate for builders in need of filler materials.
Todd Willman shares, “We all want clean water and clean air for our families”. Todd is proud of the team at Willman Industries for being on the cutting edge among foundries in reuse of old sand and for going the extra mile to protect the environment.
Almost all of the materials used in foundries are recycled. Foundries are the original recyclers.